Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Message from Jack...

This is Jack's way of wishing you a Happy Halloween.

Most people who know me well know that I just don't get into Halloween. It kind of creeps me out. I hate opening my door to people whose face I can't see. Sure, the princesses and little witches are cute... I don't mind the cute part. I don't like the gory, bloody, scary part. The world is scary enough. But that said... I know a lot of adults who really get into Halloween. Maybe it's the opportunity, for ONE day, to be someone else. Turn into our alter ego. Someone we would never dare to be in real life. It gives us permission to "try" on other persona's, walk on the wild side for one night. I've never had the opportunity to go to a real adult Halloween party. The only time I've dressed up in costume was as a teacher. Really, how exciting is it to be a Ty Whale Beanie Baby? Or a 1960's hippie (too real?) Maybe I'm just too repressed. I was thinking... IF I would dress up in a Halloween costume, I would be a beautiful witch or Fairy Princess. They're kinda the same thing, right? Or maybe a Wench. I played a wench once at a church benefit dinner (don't ask). That was one costume where my assets were flaunted! Ha! I'm rambling... Just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween. And buy the good chocolate candy... just in case there are leftovers...


  1. Love your ATC!
    You have a really nice blog I enjoy visiting

  2. Love the card, love the post, love the advice. LOL We never get any trick/treaters here, so I Always buy the good stuff for them! nancy

  3. Hi Lisa!
    I think your ATC is ADORABLE!!!!! There is so much humor in it!!!!

  4. Such a great idea, Lisa. I guess this means I should go stock up on some Godiva chocolates. I live in a New York City apartment building, after all, and we NEVER get trick or treaters, so there will be lots of leftovers for moi!!! xoxo

  5. Hi Lisa,

    Such a sweet ATC! Hope your halloween was a happy one filled with lots of "good chocolate". ;)




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