Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eraser Art.

Because we just can't have a blob of kneaded eraser laying around!

Every time my daughter sees my kneaded eraser in it's "being used" form (aka a big blog) she grabs it and MUST sculpt something. This is a roadrunner.


  1. But can it catch the cayote?

  2. I'm speechless!! How funny--she is quite the creative one!!

  3. This is great!

    I used to carry a wad with me when I was in middle school and would sculpt it during class and pass it around... usually I was being mean though poking fun of the teacher for instance. LIke making the teacher sittin' on a toilet. I was a bad kid. LOL

    Thanks for reminding me of this! :-)

  4. She has quite an eye. The scale is wonderful and the markings are fabulous. Has she tried Sculpy (I think that's how it is spelled)? Then she could have a collection of her creations OR is it the temporary creation what fascinates her? What a great art companion you have.

  5. Hooray for cameras! You can remember all her great creations and still use your erasor.

  6. Hey Lisa,
    I lost your original e-mail. Funny Thing - we are neighbors.

  7. that is brilliant, your daughter has the artistic eye :) she gets it from her artistic mama!


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